September 2024 Community Update
In January of 2024 the NTPUD and TCPUD Boards held a joint meeting to discuss the results of community polling and the feasibility of building a combined indoor recreation and aquatic center in North Lake Tahoe. Community polling of registered voters in the region showed support for a potential ballot measure which would provide needed funding for this type of project.
One important factor in the Districts’ consideration of whether to move forward with any ballot measure, as discussed at the January 2024 Board meeting, was potential statewide legislation that would lower the minimum voter approval thresholds for local bond measures. This potential legislation is currently on the California November general election ballot as Proposition 5. To learn more about Proposition 5, visit the California Voter Information Guide at
The Districts will be monitoring the results of the vote on Proposition 5 and plan to re-engage on the indoor recreation and aquatic center concept following the November election.
We will continue to send updates as we learn more about the future of this project.
The North Tahoe and Tahoe City Public Utility Districts have begun Phase III of the North Lake Tahoe Recreation and Aquatic Center Feasibility Study. Building on the prior two phases, Phase III will – 1) Assist the NTPUD and TCPUD in determining the best Property Based Special Tax Option to fund a Recreation and Aquatic Center and/or Field House Facility; 2) Poll the community to evaluate the level of support for a tax measure; and 3) Provide critical data to help inform the strategy for placing a measure on the ballot that could fund the project.
What Might a Joint Recreation & Aquatic Center Facility Include?

Something for everyone!
Where Would the Facility Be Located?
The Facility would be located at the Firestone Property in Dollar Hill, at the boundary of the TCPUD and the NTPUD. This property is owned by Placer County and large enough to accommodate a Recreation and Aquatic Center.

How Much Would It Cost?
The estimates for total construction, design, development, and permitting costs for the Facility would be $70.5 Million and an additional $14.5 Million for the Optional Joint Field House Facility.

How Would It Be Paid For?
Using a Property-based Special Tax Option, design and construction of the Facility would cost on average $472 per year / per parcel. Including the Field House Option would add an additional $99 per year / per parcel.
Additional user fees would be required and those would determined after opening.

Who Is Leading This Study?

North Tahoe PUD Parks and Recreation Management
North Tahoe Public Utility District (NTPUD) Recreation & Parks Department provides extensive year round recreational opportunities through the ownership and operation of the North Tahoe Regional Park, the Tahoe Vista Recreation Area, and the North Tahoe Event Center. Additionally, the NTPUD maintains many of the public beaches in our service area owned by and under contract with Placer County.

Tahoe City PUD Parks and Recreation Management
Tahoe City Public Utility District (TCPUD) Parks & Recreation Department operates and maintains public parks, beaches, and facilities, and provides recreation programming to enrich the lives of residents and those visiting throughout the year.